The key reasons for implementing a smart building solution

looking outside through big glas office windows

Organisations are pivoting towards creating spaces that are not merely spaces, but entities that participate in promoting operational efficiency, sustainability, and the overall health of those who live and work in them[1].

These aren’t lofty ideals of a distant future, but a tangible reality brought to life by smart building solutions. Offering a blend of advanced technology and integrated building systems, smart buildings are transforming the way businesses operate, highlighting a pathway to progress that is modern, responsible, and financially intelligent.

A healthy space bolsters productivity

The health and well-being of a workforce are invaluable assets for any business. A smart building offers optimised temperature controls, superior air quality and balanced luminosity, cultivating a healthier working environment. This positive atmosphere translates to improved productivity, with indoor environmental quality solutions potentially raising worker efficiency up to 16%[2].

As smart buildings elevate the work environment, they create a beneficial ripple effect across the workforce, resulting in improved output and profitability.

Sustainability as a market differentiator

With businesses increasingly expected to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, smart buildings serve as pivotal platforms for reducing carbon footprints. Buildings account for 36% of global final energy use and nearly 40% of energy-related CO2 emissions annually[3]. By implementing smart building technologies, energy consumption can be reduced by 20-30% on average[4].

While these benefits undoubtedly aid the planet, they also enhance a company’s reputation among stakeholders, investors, and potential recruits who place importance on environmental stewardship.

Data as a treasure trove for cost efficiency

Efficient operations are one of the powerful mantras of successful businesses. The capacity of smart buildings to generate and leverage data can be a game changer for operational cost control.

A smart building solution allows for comprehensive energy usage data, revealing how resources are consumed within the premises.

people sitting at desks in an office

This valuable information helps with understanding patterns and offering actionable insights to optimise energy consumption, ultimately resulting in substantial cost savings. For example, smart meters enable 5-15% energy savings through increased awareness[5], and occupancy sensors can cut unnecessary lighting energy use by about 30%[6].

Furthermore, operational efficiency catalysed by data-driven decision-making can enhance the value of a building and deliver a five-year payback or better on investment in integrated building management systems[7].

The pivot towards smart buildings captures a striking fusion of technological progress and environmental empathy. For businesses, these solutions not only serve the environment but also usher in consistent, and tangible commercial advantages.

Smart buildings are an appealing solution for cost-effective operations, healthier work environments, enhanced reputational value, and a tangible contribution towards the global sustainability drive. A blend of benefits that makes adopting smart building solutions a strategic decision for all forward-looking businesses.


  2. financial impact of indoor environment quality harvard research findings
  3. status report for buildings and construction 2020
  4. pages/smart_infrastructure
  5. https://swan meters energy savings in just one click
  7. https://www.arpae Topics/Integrated Building Management Systems