The best ways for technology to reduce your building costs

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The best ways for technology to reduce your building costs

While energy prices stabilised in 2023 compared with their high volatility in 2022, they’re still double the level they were in 2021, compared with 11% inflation. This has significantly impacted businesses’ bottom line, causing nearly 81% of UK businesses to predict the need to increase prices to compensate over the next two years.

Clearly, energy management for business is more important than ever, but the scale of the problem requires more than putting up notices around a building asking people to turn off the lights when they leave a room. Fortunately, there are innovative solutions that offer significant potential for cost savings by improving building energy and other efficiencies.

Energy usage optimisation

Energy costs are typically the largest operating expense for commercial properties. To be able to reduce energy costs, businesses must understand their energy consumption. Advanced energy management systems, such as SMARTR Energy, offer precise monitoring and analysis of energy usage patterns. With access to real-time insights, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of their energy consumption, pinpoint anomalies, and devise tailored strategies for energy reduction.

Waste minimisation

Technology also plays a crucial role in minimising waste and promoting resource efficiency. Advanced technologies, such as SMARTR Compliance, track water consumption, monitor waste disposal, and identify opportunities to reduce material usage. Automation and predictive analytics streamline operations and prevent unnecessary waste, leading to significant cost savings.

Automation of costly activities

Automation is a powerful tool for reducing building costs by streamlining routine tasks and processes. Activities such as HVAC system maintenance, lighting controls, and security protocols can be automated to lower operational expenses and improve building performance. By minimising manual intervention, automation saves time and resources, reduces the risk of human error, and leads to greater efficiency and cost savings.

Data-driven decision-making

Data is the cornerstone of effective building management. Modern platforms like SMARTR facilitate data aggregation, analysis, and visualisation, offering stakeholders actionable insights. Predictive analytics help businesses forecast maintenance needs, anticipate equipment failures, and optimise resource allocation. This data-driven approach enables proactive decision-making, preventing costly downtime, extending equipment lifespan, and reducing building expenses.

Embracing a smarter future

Integrating technology in building management presents a perfect opportunity for businesses to reduce costs, enhance efficiency, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Innovative solutions like the SMARTR platform help organisations unlock the full potential of their buildings, transforming them into intelligent, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible spaces.

Ready to embark on your journey towards smarter building management? Discover how Equans Digital can help you achieve significant cost savings and a more sustainable future. Get in touch today to explore our innovative solutions and schedule a consultation.